Basil Woods Chapter 200
The Basil Woods Chapter is based out of Concord, NH. Its geographic region encompasses the Central portion of the State. Major watersheds include the Merrimack River and the Warner River.
Chapter meetings are normally held on the third Thursday of the month. Social Hour with pizza begins at 6pm and our Speakers Programs begin at 7pm. Everyone is welcome. Unless otherwise noted, we meet at the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests (SPNHF), 54 Portsmouth Street, Concord.
Chapter Officers:
President: Chris Bartlett
Vice President: Jesse Camacho
Secretary: Bob Ferri
Treasurer: Mike Bartlett
Board of Directors:
Bob Ferri
Tom Ives
Peter Denoncourt
Bill Hall
Ken Welch
Steven Lowe
Paul Doscher
March McCubrey
Alexander Hicks
Steven Seron
Ken Welch
Richard Kingston - ex officio
Contact Information: